Pre Press
- Epson Surecolor P8000 with EFI Color Rip
- Fuji XMF Ripping System
- Javelin Luxel T9000 CTP Direct to Plate-Setter
- HP Officejet Pro 7720
- 6 Color 40” Komori with Aqueous Coater
- 5 Color 40” Komori
- 4 Color 25” Polly 466 Perfects 2/2
- 2 Color 18” AB Dick 9995
Other Equipment
- 27′ Box Truck
- 3000 Pound Propane Forklift
- Electric Forklift
- Muller 6 Pocket Stitcher: Collates, Stitches, Trims and 3 Hole Punches
- 2 Folders With Scoring and Perforating Capabilities
- 26×50 B26 MBO Continuous Feed Folder 8 page, 16 page, 32 page and Gate-Fold Units
- 20×27 B120 MBO Pile Feed Folder with 8 Page Unit
- 2 Guillotine Paper Cutters
- 45″ Wholenberg Programmable Cutter
- 45″ Wholenberg Cutter with Micro cut Computer Programming
- Challenge 3 Hole Hydraulic Drill
- Booklet Master Stitch & Fold Machine
- Cold and Hot Gluing (Fugitive)
Die Cutting Equipment
- Kluge
- Heidelberg Cylinder